Thursday, March 8, 2012



Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like". The remedies, which are generally dilutions of natural substances from plants, minerals, and animals, are selected to specifically match a person's individual symptom pattern. Here are some homeopathic remedies that are useful for traveling

ACONITUM NAPELLUS-- Remedy for shock, sudden cold or any situation where symptoms come on violently and suddenly

ARGENTUM NITRICUM-- Remedy that may be used for fear, apprehension or anxiety associated with travel. It's also suggested for someone who has a fear of heights, crowds, closed spaces or water

APIS—Insect stings, specially bees and jellyfish. Burning and stinging pain with rapid, pink or red, puffy swelling of the affected part.  The affected skin may feel hot, sensitive, tender, and sore.  The person feels better when applying cold to the area and feels worse with heat. 

ARNICA-- Universal remedy for cuts, bruises, concussion. The person often feels worse with movement and does not want to be touched. Arnica is especially useful for bruises and injuries that feel sore.

ARSENICUM ALBUM-- Main homeopathic remedy for diarrhea caused by spoiled or tainted food and traveler's diarrhea Burning diarrhea accompanied by extreme tiredness, anxiety, restless, and nausea and vomiting suggest this remedy.

BELLADONNA-- Fever with high temperature, red skin and dilated pupils. The person may have headache and dizziness.

CANTHARIS-- Remedy for insect stings when the affected part is very red, intensely burning, and painful after a bite.  Watery blisters may develop on the affected part. Also remedy for urine infections with burning pain.

CARBO VEGETABILIS-- Remedy for collapse with cold and clammy skin

COCCULUS INDICUS-- Often helpful for jet lag and motion sickness.  This remedy can be taken every twelve hours starting two days before the flight until three days after the flight. .
HYPERICUM-- For any injury that involves nerve pain or injury.  There may be tingling or numbness. The person feels worse when he or she is touched or feels cold.

IPECACUANHA-- Severe diarrhea accompanied by nausea or vomiting. There may also be sharp pains and frequent bowel movements with stools that may look slimy, frothy or green.

LEDUM-- Remedy for poison oak and for bites and stings of any kind. The sting or bite may be accompanied by swelling around the area, a bluish tinge to the skin, a cold, numb feeling, and an ache.   As a preventative measure, Ledum can be taken for the three days prior to departure and for the duration of the trip.

NUX VOMICA-- Remedy for overindulgence in food and drink that brings on nausea headache and chilliness.


CALENDULA OINTMENT- disinfectant and soothing ointment for wounds
CITRONELLA OIL- best mosquito and insect repellent
EUCALYPTUS OIL- repellent for ticks and fleas
TEA TREE OIL-universal disinfectant and repellent
URTICA URENS TINCTURE---for insect bites or poison ivy, wash affected area with tincture dissolved in water.


1/Use clothing at all times to protect from bites (long sleeves, long pants)
2/Use mosquito nets at nights
3/Take garlic capsules and vitamin B1 in advance and during trip—to create body odor that insects dislike
4/Use commercial repellents on clothes and skin together with the natural ones in areas that could be infested.
5/Take Ledum in water every 4 hours if bitten—its stops the spread of venom
6/Wash bites externally with Urtica tincture.


BACH RESCUE REMEDY—for shock, fear, emotional agitation or any instance of crisis
SMALL HOT WATER BOTTLE for hot or cold applications.

SUSANA AIKIN, CCH, is a graduate of the School of Homeopathy of New York and certified by the US Council of Classical Homeopathy. She has been practicing homeopathy for the last fifteen years, both in Europe and in New York. She teaches regularly at the Barcelona French Osteopathic School MES and the Madrid School of Doulas. For a consultation call 1 347 314 8767 or send email to

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Favorite Herbal Tonics I: Hawthorn


Crataegus Oxycantha, or Hawthorn, is a spiny shrub with simple toothed leaves and white flowers. It grows mostly in the eastern and central regions of the United States as well as Europe and Asia. The fruit is a dry red berry that has been used medicinally over the world for centuries.

Traditional uses of the hawthorn berry include treating a variety of heart conditions such as irregular heartbeat, chest pain, arteriosclerosis, heart failure and high blood pressure. The supplement may improve heart health because the plant contains antioxidants called quercetin and oligomeric procyandins. These antioxidants help destroy free radicals that damage cell membranes, alter DNA and cause cell death. The number of free radicals in the body increases with age and toxins in the environment, such as pollution and ultraviolet light. The benefits of the antioxidants in hawthorn berry include dilatation of blood vessels, improvement of blood flow in the body and protection of blood vessels from further damage.

Some History about Hawthorn

Crataegus, or Hawthorn berries, was introduced into medicine as a heart remedy by Dr. Greene of Ennis, Ireland. Dr. Greene had for many years a reputation for curing heart disease that made many patients flock to him from all parts of the United Kingdom. He cured most of them and amassed considerable wealth by means of his secret, for, contrary to the medical code and despite being a physician in good standing, refused to reveal the remedy to his professional colleagues. After his death, his daughter revealed the name of the remedy. It was Hawthorn.

So, what are the main health benefits of Hawthorn?

1/ Hawthorn Lowers Blood Pressure

In her book "Family Herbal-A Guide to Living Life with Energy, Health, and Vitality," herbalist Rosemary Gladstar labels hawthorn berries as the herb supreme for the heart, since they tone and strengthen the blood vessels and heart muscle. Gladstar writes that hawthorn berry tea helps dilate veins and arteries, releasing cardiovascular constrictions and reducing blood pressure by allowing the blood to flow more freely. 
Herbalist David Hoffmann suggests in his book "The New Holistic Herbal," to make hawthorn berry tea mixed with lime blossom, yarrow and mistletoe, as a treatment for high blood pressure.

2/ Hawthorn is a Heart Tonic

Hawthorn is known as a cardiac tonic, as it has twin paradoxical effects, says Simon Mills in his book "The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism." It acts by depressing or stimulating the activity of the heart and circulatory system, depending upon need. 
In traditional Chinese medicine, hawthorn berries are used to help digest fatty foods, due to their sour taste and as an agent to promote blood circulation. These two attributes make them a tonic that is used to treat high cholesterol and blood lipid levels, arteriosclerosis and hypertension, says acupuncturist Michael Tierra in his book, "The Way of Chinese Herbs."

3/ Hawthorn strengthens the Heart

According to herbalist Richo Cech in his book "Making Plant Medicine," hawthorn berries are used to fortify the heart, especially as an ongoing aid in the recuperation from heart surgery and heart attack. He writes that it strengthens the heart muscle while also promoting a sense of open-hearted well-being. 
Authors Steven Foster and James Duke wrote the field guide "A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs," about how American Indians used hawthorn berry tea in their folk medicine tradition. Hawthorn tea as a treatment for the heart is confirmed by at least 14 controlled clinical studies, these authors claim.

How to take Hawthorn

Hawthorn berries have a tart taste. They are used in jams, jellies, fruit punch and pies. They can also be brewed into a tea. Hawthorn berries are carefully harvested for culinary and medicinal use. Do not eat wild hawthorn berries. The seeds of hawthorn berries contain cyanide, a toxin that converts to hydrogen cyanide -- a poisonous gas -- in the intestines.

The best way of taking Hawthorn is in tincture form, either alcoholic or glycerin based. It can also be taken in capsules. Standard dosage: 1 ml liquid extract, 3x day or standardized capsule, 100-250 mg 3xl day. (20 ml dose for acute angina attack). However, always check with your doctor or homeopath for appropriate individual dosages.

Interactions with other Drugs

Hawthorn berry might cause drug interactions when taken with medications used for treating high blood pressure. According to "2010 Lippincott's Nursing Drug Guide," hawthorn can interact with digoxin and phenylephrine. Digoxin is a prescription medication used for treating irregular heartbeats and hypertension. Hawthorn should also not be used with digitalis since it may decrease the dosage requirements of the drug.

I love herbal tonics because that´s what they are, tonics, which means medicinal substances whose primary function is to heal through nourishing and toning our internal organs.

Finally, always remember to check with your doctor and your homeopath
 before making decisions about herbal supplements.

SUSANA AIKIN, CCH, is a graduate of the School of Homeopathy of New York and certified by the US Council of Classical Homeopathy. She has been practicing homeopathy for the last fifteen years, both in Europe and in New York. She teaches regularly at the Barcelona French Osteopathic School MES and the Madrid School of Doulas. For a consultation call 1 347 314 8767 or send email to

Monday, February 27, 2012



Despite medical advances in diagnostics and treatment, cardiovascular disease still remains the most common cause of death in the United States. Myocardial infarction or heart attack is still the main cause of cardiovascular deaths. It is estimated that over 60 million people in the United States suffer from cardiovascular disease, the most common conditions being high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris.

There are many risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease: not all of them can be easily controlled. The natural process of aging and hereditary predispositions are risk factors difficult to control. For example, up to 50 years of age, men are at a higher risk to develop heart disease than women; however, after a woman enters menopause, her risk of cardiovascular disease triples.

Many cardiovascular patients suffer additionally from high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, atherosclerosis, diabetes and or obesity, all of which increase the risks of heart disease. Most health related organizations recommend the same basic changes in lifestyle in order to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. The main recommendations are: stopping smoking, exercising regularly and following a healthy diet low in saturated fat, cholesterol and salt.

It is essential that we seek to be checked by a cardiologist and properly diagnosed at the first symptoms of cardiovascular dysfunction. But besides allopathic treatment and changes in lifestyle, it is wise to seek other alternative methods that will strengthen our overall health.

Homeopathic medicine is a holistic system that treats the patient in his or her entirety. It takes into account the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the health of a person. It never just treats on symptom, but the whole gamut of expressions of the person´s health. It also has many remedies that relate to the heart and to those patients who present cardiovascular conditions with the final objective of enhancing the immune system and the general vitality of the person.

Although, heart conditions should always be treated by a professional homeopath in conjunction with a regular cardiologist, we are presenting here a few examples of classical homeopathic remedies that are frequently given to cardiovascular patients in daily homeopathic practice.

AURUM may be indicated for serious individuals with a tendency to depression and melancholy, who have great sense of responsibility and whose cardiovascular problems are related to stress. They have a tendency towards high blood pressure and cholesterol. It has been known to help in cases of rheumatic endocarditis and atheroma of the heart and arteries.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM is beneficial for individuals who suffer from anxiety and present violent palpitations to the least emotion; they tend to feel worse when lying in a horizontal position and better when walking quickly. They tend to be nervous and impulsive people with many phobias and fears, who really like sugar and can be very creative and artistic.

PLUMBUM is indicated for patients with degenerative symptoms of the nervous system and hardening of veins and arteries. It has been known to help in cases of chronic endocarditis, cardiac hypertrophy with atheroma of the aorta and cardiac arrest.

LACHESIS is suitable for passionate personalities, who can be very loquacious, tend to feel distrust, jealousy and a desire for revenge. They can feel oppression in the chest, have attacks suffocation and fainting, and suffer from atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. All the symptoms worsen with sleep and warmth.

NAJA is a remedy especially indicated for injuries of the valves of the heart and conditions that present violent palpitations with headaches, and tend to be very sad and depressed.

VIPERA presents violent pains in the chest with a cold feeling; a tendency of the chest to swell with difficulty breathing, nausea in the abdomen and numbness in the arms. There might be symptoms of gangrene, phlebitis and stroke.

SPIGELIA is an important remedy for rheumatic pericarditis. It has the peculiarity of feeling pain radiating from the heart to the back, or from the heart to the arms. The palpitations of the heart are painful and so loud they can be heard.

ACONITUM NAPELUS is one of the main homeopathic remedies for acute situations of heart attack. The patient has violent palpitations and feels intense pains that radiate from the heart to the left arm, with numbness and tingling in the fingers. Meanwhile they are in a state of great anxiety and fear of death.

Finally, it is important to remember that self-medication is never advisable and we should always seek the advice of a professional homeopath.

SUSANA AIKIN, CCH, is a graduate of the School of Homeopathy of New York and certified by the US Council of Classical Homeopathy. She has been practicing homeopathy for the last fifteen years, both in Europe and in New York. She teaches regularly at the Barcelona French Osteopathic School MES and the Madrid School of Doulas. For a consultation call 1 347 314 8767 or send email to

Saturday, February 25, 2012



The basic concept in classical homeopathy is the individual holistic treatment of the person. This is best accomplished through what we constitutional treatment of the patient, in which the homeopath prescribes a single homeopathic remedy that covers the greatest number of symptoms of the patient as well as his or her individual personality.

Classical homeopaths do not tend to prescribe remedies just to alleviate a patient´s isolated symptoms (e.g. headache or ear infection), and rarely do they apply general protocols for pathological conditions (e.g. diabetes or ulcerative colitis). This is because classical homeopathy believes that treating isolated symptoms only suppressed them, without removing the deep cause of the problem. However, it is also possible to use homeopathy as emergency medicine for certain situations, e.g. ARNICA  for trauma to the tissues in blows and accidents.  Many times, being able to administer a homoeopathic remedy on the spot, resolves the situation and avoids a visit to the pediatrician or the hospital; other times, although going to the hospital is vital, the homeopathic remedy can sustain healing on the way while arriving at the hands of specialized medical personnel.

Below we are listing  some of the homeopathic remedies which every home should have for emergencies.

ACONITUM NAPELLUS: Is a remedy for acute states of shock; shock of cold, flu, colds and neuralgia treatment.

ARNICA MONTANA: Remedy for accidents, shock, trauma to the tissues; prevents infection and septic processes.

APIS MELLIFICA: Insect bites which smart and become inflammed, swelling that improves with cold applications, urticaria, sunburn and allergies.

ARSENICUM ALBUM: Colds with chilly feeling, bronchitis with asthmatic breathing; food poisoning with food in bad condition with vomiting and diarrhea, patient is cold and very anxious.

BELLADONNA: High fever with sweating, red and congested face, headaches with agitation, hallucinations and even seizures.

CHAMOMILLA: Pain in teeth; especially indicated for difficult and painful infant teething; the child is very irritable and gets angry at anything; she only calms down if rocked in the arms.

COCCULUS INDICUS: Motion sickness in a car or boat.

HYPERICUM: Damage to nerve endings because of injuries, accidents or surgery.

LEDUM: Injuries due to lacerations, punctures, insect bites. Also for ankle sprains.

NUX VOMICA: Indigestion because of excess food and drink, alcohol hangovers, poisoning by meat in bad condition.

PULSATILLA: Colds with bland yellow and greenish mucus, ear infections, pink eye. The child is weepy and clings to mother.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON: Urticaria by contact with nettles and rheumatic pains which are worse in wet weather.

RUTA GRAVEOLANS: Treatment of dislocations, sprains and tendinitis which are worse by motion.

SILICA: Helps the drainage of abcesses and infected wounds, aids the body in the expulsion of foreign objects in the body such as thorns and small shards of glass.

The ideal potency for these home remedies is 30 C. The best way to take remedies is to dissolve three pellets in half a cup of water and take a tablespoon every four hours. We also remind you that homeopathic remedies should never touched with the hands. Remedies should be discontinued as soon as you see an improvement; if, on the other hand, if after four doses there seems to be no positive effect, they should be discontinued and another remedy will have to be selected. While taking homeopathic remedies should avoid coffee, mint or menthol products, heavy perfumes or colognes. Remedies should be taken half an hour before or after meals.

AND REMEMBER ALWAYS TO CALL YOUR DOCTOR if you have any of these symptoms: Fever over 102, shortness of breath or a persistent uncontrollable cough, you are persistently coughing up green and yellow sputum, you have a headache and neck pain or stiff neck, you have severe ear pain, pain around your eyes, especially with a green nasal discharge, tender lymph nodes around the neck, white coating on the throat or tonsils with a rash, or prolonged hoarseness. Rule out meningitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, strep, kidney infection, etc.

SUSANA AIKIN, CCH, is a graduate of the School of Homeopathy of New York and certified by the US Council of Classical Homeopathy. She has been practicing homeopathy for the last fifteen years, both in Europe and in New York. She teaches regularly at the Barcelona French Osteopathic School MES and the Madrid School of Doulas. For a consultation call 1 347 314 8767 or send email to

Sunday, February 19, 2012



Alongside with the constitutional treatment prescribed by your homeopath, here is a list of home remedies to have in mind when you come down with a cold or the flu. The following are naturopathic preventative measures to boost your immune system, avoid getting really sick, or to shorten the duration of your illness. You do not need to do all of them, just choose a few that seem easy for you.

The first rule is, when you feel something coming on, take it easy and rest. Cancel activities or appointments that are not absolutely necessary. Taking one day off from work early on may prevent you from being sick for an entire week later on.

Remember, that although a virus may be a contributing factor in catching a cold, it is really  a weakened immune system hurt by stress, a poor diet and not enough sleep the real cause of the problem. The following tend to be among the main culprits behind a cold or a flu:

-Not enough sleep or rest
-Not eating well: too much sugar, coffee or processed foods, or
-Eating foods you are allergic to (like wheat, dairy, yeast) that weaken your immune system
-Working long hours, over-doing it, too many social activities as well as too much travel

Every once in a while, the body needs an extended rest period. An illness can be your body’s signal to take it easy. If you don´t listen to these signals, you could be at risk of developing bronchitis, pneumonia, a sinus infection, a chronic flu-like state, or chronic fatigue. STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOUR BODY. 


GARGLE every couple of hours, especially if you have any throat symptoms.

Add 2 teaspoons sea salt to 8 ounces of pure water.
Gargle and spit out.
You can also gargle with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.

BRUSH TEETH: Brush frequently, every 2-3 hours. It helps clean out your mouth.
Throw away your toothbrush when you are better.


Pour warm mullein oil or garlic oil in ear as long as eardrum has not ruptured.

Fill a white cotton sock with salt, heat it in microwave or on top of stove, put it on your pillow and rest your ear on it---pulls out moisture/infections.

Try the legendary COLD WET SOCK TRICK

This old method helps relieve nasal or chest congestion, earaches, sinusitis, and colds or upper respiratory infections by stimulating the immune system when the circulation is pulled toward the feet.

1.         Place a pair of thin cotton socks in the refrigerator or dip them
           in ice water. Keep them handy near the bathtub.
2.         Soak your feet in hot water for a few minutes.
3.         Dry your feet.
4.         Wring out the cold socks and put them on your feet.
5.         Put the thick dry wool socks over them.
6.         Get in bed and go to sleep. Leave the socks on all night, even after
            they have dried.

For young children or people with weak vitality, you can simply wet the toes of the socks. Contra-indicated for people with wool allergies, a very weak constitution, or a fungal infection on the feet.

KEEP your SINUSES CLEAN: Rinse at morning and evening with or a Neti pot or dropper:

Add 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt to one cup of warm water

For sinus congestion, drape a towel over your head and hold your head over a pot of steaming water. If you are not allergic to ragweed, you can add a few tea bags of Chamomile tea to the water to open up the nasal passages.


Cherry Bark syrup, Slippery Elm Lozenges, Licorice cough drops, Mullein tea, Slippery elm tea with honey. 

Wet Sock Treatment to calm cough on going to bed.

Castor Oil Pack on chest with heat.


STOP EATING: 1. Sugar, any and all forms: fruit juice, soda, sports drinks, candy, baked goods, 2. Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream), 3. Coffee or other stimulants, 4. Omega 6 vegetable oils (canola, corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut, soybean oils) suppress the immune system 5. Processed Food in any form, 6. White Flour products.

Drink plenty of water to get rid of toxins, decrease stuffiness, and loosen secretions.

Tea: Hot lemon tea with grated ginger, packaged herbal teas (caffeine-free): Throat Coat, ginger, elderberry. Tea does not replace your need for pure water.

Eat lightly: Your body needs its energy to fight off illness rather than digesting food.  If you have a fever or 99 or more, your digestion dramatically slows.

Eat vegetable broths, miso soup, soups, warm vegetables and meat.

Drink homemade chicken broth, not canned.

Add finely chopped or minced raw garlic to your foods.

Add shiitake mushrooms to your food or soup as they boost immune system.


Get in bed and rest as soon as possible. Delegate your responsibilities.

Your body is asking you to slow down. Keep in mind that your immune system is working hard and many toxins are leaving your body. GIVE IT A CHANCE TO HEAL.

Fevers below 102 degrees are helpful in fighting infection. Call your doctor if a fever lasts more than two days or rises above 103 degrees.

Use a hot water bottle to stay warm if you are chilly or sore. It can be moved around to keep you as warm as desired. Hot water bottles have a soothing, comforting presence. Avoid heating pads and electric blankets as they weaken your immune system.

Sleep and take naps as much as you can. Read, watch a favorite, uplifting movie or show you enjoy.

Incorporate gentle exercise like a short walk or stretching your joints to enhance circulation and perspiration.


Wear layers of natural fibers so your body can breathe: cotton, silk, wool, rayon. Change pajamas or clothes at least once a day. 

Change your sheets and keep your your room clean and tidy. It is easier to recover in a clean environment. Make sure you have a flow of fresh air, like an open window or a fan to circulate stale air.

SUPPLEMENTS -store these in your cupboard ahead of time.

If you are taking B vitamins, STOP until you are well.

Vit C, until bowel tolerance, approx 1,000 mg 3x a day, up to 6,000 mg per day.
Preferably a form of whole food Vit C like Synergy’s Pure Radiance C or Standard Process Cataplex C.

Zinc Gluconate Lozenges or Opti Zinc: No more than 90mg per day --  must be sucked on, not swallowed, take small doses frequently.  For example, 1/4 lozenge every 30 min. If you feel nauseated, stop immediately since this is a sign of zinc toxicity and may cause copper imbalance.

Elderberry syrup (anti-viral), Sambucol, follow directions on label, do not take for more than 10 days.

Echinacea tincture, Gaia, Herb Pharm, Eclectic institute (alcohol base, not glycerin)
1 dropperful in water three times a day.

Do not take for more than 5 days; contra-indicated in auto-immune diseases or ragweed allergies.

Propolis tincture—take one dropper in water three times a day. Propolis is an excellent natural antiseptic for nose, throat and ears. Do not take for more than five days either.

Probiotics- take acidophilus, bifidus, lactobacillus daily either in yogurt or pill form. Cleansing the colon is essential for recovery.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  CALL YOUR DOCTOR if you have any of these symptoms: Fever over 102, shortness of breath or a persistent uncontrollable cough, you are persistently coughing up green and yellow sputum, you have a headache and neck pain or stiff neck, you have severe ear pain, pain around your eyes, especially with a green nasal discharge, tender lymph nodes around the neck, white coating on the throat or tonsils with a rash, or prolonged hoarseness. Rule out meningitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, strep, kidney infection, etc.