Thursday, March 8, 2012



Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like". The remedies, which are generally dilutions of natural substances from plants, minerals, and animals, are selected to specifically match a person's individual symptom pattern. Here are some homeopathic remedies that are useful for traveling

ACONITUM NAPELLUS-- Remedy for shock, sudden cold or any situation where symptoms come on violently and suddenly

ARGENTUM NITRICUM-- Remedy that may be used for fear, apprehension or anxiety associated with travel. It's also suggested for someone who has a fear of heights, crowds, closed spaces or water

APIS—Insect stings, specially bees and jellyfish. Burning and stinging pain with rapid, pink or red, puffy swelling of the affected part.  The affected skin may feel hot, sensitive, tender, and sore.  The person feels better when applying cold to the area and feels worse with heat. 

ARNICA-- Universal remedy for cuts, bruises, concussion. The person often feels worse with movement and does not want to be touched. Arnica is especially useful for bruises and injuries that feel sore.

ARSENICUM ALBUM-- Main homeopathic remedy for diarrhea caused by spoiled or tainted food and traveler's diarrhea Burning diarrhea accompanied by extreme tiredness, anxiety, restless, and nausea and vomiting suggest this remedy.

BELLADONNA-- Fever with high temperature, red skin and dilated pupils. The person may have headache and dizziness.

CANTHARIS-- Remedy for insect stings when the affected part is very red, intensely burning, and painful after a bite.  Watery blisters may develop on the affected part. Also remedy for urine infections with burning pain.

CARBO VEGETABILIS-- Remedy for collapse with cold and clammy skin

COCCULUS INDICUS-- Often helpful for jet lag and motion sickness.  This remedy can be taken every twelve hours starting two days before the flight until three days after the flight. .
HYPERICUM-- For any injury that involves nerve pain or injury.  There may be tingling or numbness. The person feels worse when he or she is touched or feels cold.

IPECACUANHA-- Severe diarrhea accompanied by nausea or vomiting. There may also be sharp pains and frequent bowel movements with stools that may look slimy, frothy or green.

LEDUM-- Remedy for poison oak and for bites and stings of any kind. The sting or bite may be accompanied by swelling around the area, a bluish tinge to the skin, a cold, numb feeling, and an ache.   As a preventative measure, Ledum can be taken for the three days prior to departure and for the duration of the trip.

NUX VOMICA-- Remedy for overindulgence in food and drink that brings on nausea headache and chilliness.


CALENDULA OINTMENT- disinfectant and soothing ointment for wounds
CITRONELLA OIL- best mosquito and insect repellent
EUCALYPTUS OIL- repellent for ticks and fleas
TEA TREE OIL-universal disinfectant and repellent
URTICA URENS TINCTURE---for insect bites or poison ivy, wash affected area with tincture dissolved in water.


1/Use clothing at all times to protect from bites (long sleeves, long pants)
2/Use mosquito nets at nights
3/Take garlic capsules and vitamin B1 in advance and during trip—to create body odor that insects dislike
4/Use commercial repellents on clothes and skin together with the natural ones in areas that could be infested.
5/Take Ledum in water every 4 hours if bitten—its stops the spread of venom
6/Wash bites externally with Urtica tincture.


BACH RESCUE REMEDY—for shock, fear, emotional agitation or any instance of crisis
SMALL HOT WATER BOTTLE for hot or cold applications.

SUSANA AIKIN, CCH, is a graduate of the School of Homeopathy of New York and certified by the US Council of Classical Homeopathy. She has been practicing homeopathy for the last fifteen years, both in Europe and in New York. She teaches regularly at the Barcelona French Osteopathic School MES and the Madrid School of Doulas. For a consultation call 1 347 314 8767 or send email to