Monday, February 6, 2012

Health as a State of Freedom


Our concept of health is mostly based on the absence of disease. We consider ourselves healthy because we have not been diagnosed with a specific disease, or because we do not present symptoms of disease. 

However, in spite of our apparent health, our lives do not run as smoothly as we would like. We don´t exactly feel sick but we find it hard to get up in the morning; or we have a difficult time concentrating at work. We find we cannot sleep at night because of recurrent torturing thoughts; or we want to sustain loving relationships but our excessive jealousy or anger make our romantic partnerships fail.

In summary, our lives are limited by conditions and trends that escape the conventional definition of health and therefore have no place within medical consultations. But as a matter of fact, all of these situations should be included in the general concept of a person´s health.

Any condition that hinders the natural development of a person has to be seen as disharmony and disease. The human being has to be seen as an integral whole where everything related to that whole is inextricably interconnected.

True health always radiates high vitality, emotional integrity and spiritual strength. In homeopathy, health is defined as freedom. Physical, emotional and mental freedom. The state of freedom necessary for the human being to pursue his or her life goals to the highest degree.

The homeopath´s task is to restore harmony and maximum vitality in all the spheres of the patient. For this reason the homeopath doesn´t just evaluate the patient´s physical symptoms, but looks also at emotional and mental states, genetic patterns, traumatic past, sleep, dreams, dietary habits and so on. All this information allows to the homeopath to obtain an integral view of the patient in order to to select a homeopathic substance that covers all the spheres of the individual.

Illness expresses itself in the general life pattern of the individual For this reason in follow up consultations, the homeopath doesn´t just value the progress of physical and emotional symptoms, but also the state of general well-being of the patient, as well as the positive changes that have happened in his or her life. For example, in a patient treated with the remedy Lycopodium Clavatum, the homeopath hopes that the patient will not just recover from symptoms of asthma and abdominal distension, but would also moderate his dominating personality and its underlying lack of self esteem. In another example, the patient who receives Arsenicum Album, will not just return to the consultation having improved her stomach ulcer, but will hopefully express that she feels less cold, sleeps better at night and has stopped obsessing about poverty or death. Likewise, a patient who has received a treatment of Sepia Officinalis, will not just see her period become more regular, but will also appreciate that her relationships at home with her husband and children have improved substantially

This is what we call integral healing in homeopathy, a healing process where we see improvement happening in all the spheres of the human being, because the patient is being treated in his or her totality.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to have this site to refer to for wellness information. I have had incredible results with homeopathy. Looking forward to reading more.
