Sunday, February 19, 2012



Alongside with the constitutional treatment prescribed by your homeopath, here is a list of home remedies to have in mind when you come down with a cold or the flu. The following are naturopathic preventative measures to boost your immune system, avoid getting really sick, or to shorten the duration of your illness. You do not need to do all of them, just choose a few that seem easy for you.

The first rule is, when you feel something coming on, take it easy and rest. Cancel activities or appointments that are not absolutely necessary. Taking one day off from work early on may prevent you from being sick for an entire week later on.

Remember, that although a virus may be a contributing factor in catching a cold, it is really  a weakened immune system hurt by stress, a poor diet and not enough sleep the real cause of the problem. The following tend to be among the main culprits behind a cold or a flu:

-Not enough sleep or rest
-Not eating well: too much sugar, coffee or processed foods, or
-Eating foods you are allergic to (like wheat, dairy, yeast) that weaken your immune system
-Working long hours, over-doing it, too many social activities as well as too much travel

Every once in a while, the body needs an extended rest period. An illness can be your body’s signal to take it easy. If you don´t listen to these signals, you could be at risk of developing bronchitis, pneumonia, a sinus infection, a chronic flu-like state, or chronic fatigue. STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOUR BODY. 


GARGLE every couple of hours, especially if you have any throat symptoms.

Add 2 teaspoons sea salt to 8 ounces of pure water.
Gargle and spit out.
You can also gargle with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.

BRUSH TEETH: Brush frequently, every 2-3 hours. It helps clean out your mouth.
Throw away your toothbrush when you are better.


Pour warm mullein oil or garlic oil in ear as long as eardrum has not ruptured.

Fill a white cotton sock with salt, heat it in microwave or on top of stove, put it on your pillow and rest your ear on it---pulls out moisture/infections.

Try the legendary COLD WET SOCK TRICK

This old method helps relieve nasal or chest congestion, earaches, sinusitis, and colds or upper respiratory infections by stimulating the immune system when the circulation is pulled toward the feet.

1.         Place a pair of thin cotton socks in the refrigerator or dip them
           in ice water. Keep them handy near the bathtub.
2.         Soak your feet in hot water for a few minutes.
3.         Dry your feet.
4.         Wring out the cold socks and put them on your feet.
5.         Put the thick dry wool socks over them.
6.         Get in bed and go to sleep. Leave the socks on all night, even after
            they have dried.

For young children or people with weak vitality, you can simply wet the toes of the socks. Contra-indicated for people with wool allergies, a very weak constitution, or a fungal infection on the feet.

KEEP your SINUSES CLEAN: Rinse at morning and evening with or a Neti pot or dropper:

Add 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt to one cup of warm water

For sinus congestion, drape a towel over your head and hold your head over a pot of steaming water. If you are not allergic to ragweed, you can add a few tea bags of Chamomile tea to the water to open up the nasal passages.


Cherry Bark syrup, Slippery Elm Lozenges, Licorice cough drops, Mullein tea, Slippery elm tea with honey. 

Wet Sock Treatment to calm cough on going to bed.

Castor Oil Pack on chest with heat.


STOP EATING: 1. Sugar, any and all forms: fruit juice, soda, sports drinks, candy, baked goods, 2. Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream), 3. Coffee or other stimulants, 4. Omega 6 vegetable oils (canola, corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut, soybean oils) suppress the immune system 5. Processed Food in any form, 6. White Flour products.

Drink plenty of water to get rid of toxins, decrease stuffiness, and loosen secretions.

Tea: Hot lemon tea with grated ginger, packaged herbal teas (caffeine-free): Throat Coat, ginger, elderberry. Tea does not replace your need for pure water.

Eat lightly: Your body needs its energy to fight off illness rather than digesting food.  If you have a fever or 99 or more, your digestion dramatically slows.

Eat vegetable broths, miso soup, soups, warm vegetables and meat.

Drink homemade chicken broth, not canned.

Add finely chopped or minced raw garlic to your foods.

Add shiitake mushrooms to your food or soup as they boost immune system.


Get in bed and rest as soon as possible. Delegate your responsibilities.

Your body is asking you to slow down. Keep in mind that your immune system is working hard and many toxins are leaving your body. GIVE IT A CHANCE TO HEAL.

Fevers below 102 degrees are helpful in fighting infection. Call your doctor if a fever lasts more than two days or rises above 103 degrees.

Use a hot water bottle to stay warm if you are chilly or sore. It can be moved around to keep you as warm as desired. Hot water bottles have a soothing, comforting presence. Avoid heating pads and electric blankets as they weaken your immune system.

Sleep and take naps as much as you can. Read, watch a favorite, uplifting movie or show you enjoy.

Incorporate gentle exercise like a short walk or stretching your joints to enhance circulation and perspiration.


Wear layers of natural fibers so your body can breathe: cotton, silk, wool, rayon. Change pajamas or clothes at least once a day. 

Change your sheets and keep your your room clean and tidy. It is easier to recover in a clean environment. Make sure you have a flow of fresh air, like an open window or a fan to circulate stale air.

SUPPLEMENTS -store these in your cupboard ahead of time.

If you are taking B vitamins, STOP until you are well.

Vit C, until bowel tolerance, approx 1,000 mg 3x a day, up to 6,000 mg per day.
Preferably a form of whole food Vit C like Synergy’s Pure Radiance C or Standard Process Cataplex C.

Zinc Gluconate Lozenges or Opti Zinc: No more than 90mg per day --  must be sucked on, not swallowed, take small doses frequently.  For example, 1/4 lozenge every 30 min. If you feel nauseated, stop immediately since this is a sign of zinc toxicity and may cause copper imbalance.

Elderberry syrup (anti-viral), Sambucol, follow directions on label, do not take for more than 10 days.

Echinacea tincture, Gaia, Herb Pharm, Eclectic institute (alcohol base, not glycerin)
1 dropperful in water three times a day.

Do not take for more than 5 days; contra-indicated in auto-immune diseases or ragweed allergies.

Propolis tincture—take one dropper in water three times a day. Propolis is an excellent natural antiseptic for nose, throat and ears. Do not take for more than five days either.

Probiotics- take acidophilus, bifidus, lactobacillus daily either in yogurt or pill form. Cleansing the colon is essential for recovery.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  CALL YOUR DOCTOR if you have any of these symptoms: Fever over 102, shortness of breath or a persistent uncontrollable cough, you are persistently coughing up green and yellow sputum, you have a headache and neck pain or stiff neck, you have severe ear pain, pain around your eyes, especially with a green nasal discharge, tender lymph nodes around the neck, white coating on the throat or tonsils with a rash, or prolonged hoarseness. Rule out meningitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, strep, kidney infection, etc. 

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