Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Menopause and Homeopathy


Still today, menopause is frequently considered a medical problem. It is usually described by a long list of mental and physical symptoms, often negative and sometimes alarming: hot flashes, insomnia, increased cardiovascular problems, osteoporosis, decreased libido, depression, low self esteem etc., And consequently treated as a disease: medication, hormones and sometimes surgery. However, menopause is simply the end of menstruation and fertility which in a healthy woman should only be a moment of transition to another chapter of life. Most health problems that arise at this point are mostly consequences of previous imbalances probably accumulated over many years that come to the surface during the stress of hormonal adjustment. From this angle, the symptoms of menopause represent a warning: the changes that need to be made in order to strengthen our vitality for a healthy next stage.  

On an energetic level, menopause is a definite turning point, since all the energy the body has been using in the production of eggs, endometrium, menstruation and all other reproductive processes, are now being recycled within the body and mind to be used in higher functions of creativity, knowledge, and personal development. This extra energy now available to the menopausal woman is extremely powerful and can be very positive when put toward healthy dynamics, but it can also be very destructive when misused of left to stagnate.  This is why handling appropriately the time of menopause is very important to feminine health and wellness.

Since reports on side effects of hormone replacement therapy treatments are increasingly flooding the media, many women are seeking alternative therapies that offer smooth, natural solutions to treat the symptoms of menopause. Beyond basic advice on dietary changes and lifestyle - and sometimes added vitamin and herbal supplements - conventional medicine offers few solutions to the crisis of menopause.

Classical Homeopathy, on the contrary, does offer interesting comprehensive treatment options for this time of life, as a gentle and side effect free medicine that sees the patient as an integral whole and takes into account both the physical symptoms of menopause, and mental and emotional states of this transition process. To this effect, Homeopathy has a broad range of remedies that can treat individually different women with very different experiences of menopause.

PULSATILLA, for example, is a remedy for a woman who is emotional and affectionate but insecure, who feels abandoned and tends to cry easily, can have tachycardia, and excessive menstrual bleeding, feels in general stiffled indoors but better outdoors. LACHESIS, on the other hand, can be a good remedy for women who are loquacious, sexy, jealous and passionate, and who may suffer from severe hot flashes and feel hot all the time; they are better in the cold and after an emotional outburst, but worse during sleep and after waking . NATRUM MURIATICUM could be appropriate for an introverted and sensitive woman who has suffered much in the past and tends to suppress her feelings; she may suffer from depression, from pain during sexual intercourse; tends to retain fluid and craves salty things.

Homeopathy is one of the best treatment options for women who want to strengthen their health in the menopausal phase in order to transcend the stage of fertility and motherhood in health and emotional freedom in order to fully enjoy the rest of their lives.


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